Wednesday, November 11, 2009

This past weekend the newspaper club Beta Phi Gamma attended the ECC Warrior football game and homecoming dance. It was such a fun experience!! It started at the game where EC cleaned up with a huge victory to make the team 8 wins and 1 loss in their season. They have one more game left with Mt. SAC, where they're hoping to bring home another victory and clench a playoff spot. During half time nominees for the homecoming court rode in vintage cars around the stadium. I was lucky enough to ride in as a filler in an extra car. It was a 1961 Chevy convertible Corvette. These cars were cherry and all worthy of a show! I really was an experience to photograph people taking photos of me. After the half-time extravaganza the game continued until we reached out victory. After the EC news staff headed to the Activities Center on campus to celebrate the 70s' theme dance. We all danced and partied our bums off!! There was a little bit of snacking and then more dancing. Almost the whole staff was commanding the dance floor all night! Then toward the end of the evening came the moment of truth, with the announcement of King and Queen. The nominees for Beta Phi Gamma were Miles our Editor-in-chief and Erica. They did such a good job at the rally to promote the club and themselves. Unfortunately Tailor Made, the fashion club swept by us witht he victory for the evening. The best part is every event our group attends the closer we get. The sad part is the semester is almost over, but there is always next semester!! For more on homecoming visit

<3 Heather

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