Thursday, November 5, 2009

Marijuana in the Media

Marijuana has been in media frenzy in 09'. This year it has been a weekly topic in the media and the subject of people's conversations every where. This year the medical use of Marijuana has made much progress for patients and supporters nation wide. Organizations like M.M.P. (Medical Marijuana Project) are getting media attention. They are now being interviewed on air and recognized as organized movement. In the past years, weed has become increasingly popular and now becoming part of American society on a daily basis. Alaska, California, Colorado, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, Maine, Minnesota, Ohio, and Oregon are states that have decriminalized the possession of 1 ounce of marijuana. As of Nov. 5th Massachusetts ballot initiative passed to be among the other states. Like wise in the same election Michigan has become the 13th state to offer medical pot to patients. Most importantly President Obama signed the new policy about medical marijuana and it's users. The memo advises prosecutors they "should not focus federal resources in your states on individuals whose actions are in clear and unambiguous compliance with existing state laws providing for the medical use of marijuana." This is huge for the country. More importantly it affects everyone on a personal level. During one issue I shot the section 'View Points' and the question was 'Should we legalize Marijuana?'. It was over whelming the support the students had for the substance. I had tons of students volunteering with yes answers, and ready for a photo. It was almost a struggle to find ones who disagree. Even if the student wasn't a user themselves, many did not care and supported the change. We a still very far away for marijuana being legalized in the United States, but it has made much progress since the 'Reefer Madness' days. The new reforms to policy are only making it safer for patients to access medicine, while allowing state governments to collect millions on taxes, on the control and dispensing of the substance. As for the county being full of lethargic Americans stoned on the couch, which is not the direction that users, supporters, and government are taking marijuana. For more info on this topic visit and

<3 Heather

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