Monday, November 23, 2009

Issue Nine

There was more like 500 issues, with issue 9. It was the most intense and just trying issue of the semester. I really wanted to make it my best and I gave it my all. I'm pleased to say how thrilled I am about the final product. I'm honored to have the opportunity of having a photo essay in the Union. I can't tell you how hard Haipha and I worked to produce that page by deadline. The pressure was so thick in the news room, it could be cut with a knife. I just have to say that if it wasn't for the staff and their support and friendship, I wouldn't have been able to make it. I'm so great full to everyone on staff. All the writers, photographers, and editors thank you for your support. It was a chaotic semester with good times, bad times and just oh shit what are we going to do times. It's incredible to see how far we've all come from the first issue to the ninth. Despite the bumps in the road, I had a positive semester. Mainly because I had great people around me to guide and give me direction. From a bad day to bad assignment I could count on any of the staff. I just hope that you'll take me back next semester. Check it out at
<3 Heather

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