Friday, May 21, 2010

Farwell for now

This semester is now coming to a close. The Union has printed it's final copy and June 1, Warrior Life Magazine will be on campus too! It has flown by like usual and been stressful, fun and most of all worth while.

There have been major struggles over these past few months, mainly with deadlines. Over all the paper has been a success even though these may not have been our strongest over the years. We leave great ideas and a high standard for the next news team to uphold.

As for myself I can't say if I will be back again. I want to because I love EC and The Union. I have a ridiculous amount of school spirit, but I have to leave it eventually. But I have to finish some classes first. This was the most I was able to get involved with students, faculty and the campus. I hope to be back soon.

<3 Heather

To view the final issue of the Union go to:

"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be.
Now put foundations under them."

Henry David Thoreau

Sunday, May 16, 2010

All-Stars Part Two

Here are the rest of the baseball card style images of EC Warrior Sports. It was a pleasure to meet all these dynamic students who I would see walking through campus and had no idea of their talents.

Many of these student will be transfering next year to other colleges and universities, but their mark has been left of EC's campus for years to come. Many of these students are the best in their sport on a state level, as well as college record breakers.

All the photos were taken by me except for: Tobias Klingede (action photo) courtesy of Fernando Jimenez, Union and Kyle Petter (action photo) courtesy of Toney Fernandez.

<3 Heather

"Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision."
Muhammad Ali, American Boxer

Friday, May 14, 2010

The EC All-Stars Part One

Hey there everyone this is Heather with a project I have been working on called the EC All-Stars. This was a photo essay type article that was cut from the book. There was not enough money in our budget and some thing that didn't work had to go. I want to share my hard work and I don't want to let the students down I had to bother.

The coaches of most every sport had given me information on their best, hardworking and highest stat players. After I was able to contact them and compile the information to make these "baseball" style cards of each individual. I just want to share them with everyone because I am so happy with the out come of the cards. For information on joining or watching EC sports visit

"We take pride in winning; we take pride in being a good person and a hard working person. A lot of student athletes they’ve got double the duty, because they have to go to school and study and play football or any other sport." John Featherstone, Football Coach, said.

<3 Heather

To view current EC sports or view a class schedule of sports go to

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Making Stars on Campus

The student magazine Warrior Life is coming to a crunch time. Most of the media is in and final photos are getting taken and stories being edited. It is getting intense!

This week I have been non-stop on getting photos of EC sports players for the All-Star story I am doing. It has been a challenge to set up the shots I need with 10 different student who are just as busy as I am.

"I'd say 90 percent of our kids that get division 1 scholarships end up graduating college and that's a tremendous thing for all of us involved," Coach Featherstone, Warrior Football, said.

While shooting these students I have really gotten connected to the athletic departments on campus. I have had the opportunity to befriend many of these student and get to know coaches and other players. The students that the coaches help me select for this story really are stars and make me proud to represent the El Camino Warriors.


To view remaining sports schedules see: